The inclusion of the equine sector in TAMS will be a huge benefit to breeders and ITBA are here to answer any questions that breeders might have around grants and the applications. We hope the below Information Seminar is informative.
What are the basic entry requirements?
- You must have a minimum of three equines (of any type) and they must be recorded on last year’s census or you must record them in the upcoming 2023 census (however, seek DAFM advice if not recorded last year). If you have not completed the census, you can do so straight away and that will be accepted.
- You must be registered with DAFM (have an equine premise number)
- You must have a minimum of five hectares (12 acres) of land, owned or leased.
- You must have applied for the Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS (formerly BPS)) for those acres (although you do not need to be in receipt of those payments). You must have put in a BISS application before applying for a TAMS 3 grant.
- Drawings and planning permissions will need to be submitted with the application and so be granted BEFORE you make the application (this will include any permanent structure such as gallops or lunge pen).
- All applications will be made online only, with the terms and conditions outlined on the DAFM website.
How much as I entitled to?
- Equine applications have a ceiling of €90,000 across the five-year TAMS 3 cycle. You can use €90,000 up in a single application or multiple applications over the five-year period
- Equine farmers are entitled to 40% grant aid with exception of young farmers who are entitled to 60%, and female farmers who are also entitled for 60%. Registered farm partnerships can apply for up for €160,000
- Any grant received is based on the lower of the build prices, eg. The cost of a gate may be €150 from your supplies whereas the given costing on the DAFM list could be €250 – in a case such as this you will only be able to claim for the €150 (or whichever cost is the lower).
- Applicants need to have an approval of the applications from DAFM before investing – you can’t invest now and claim later.
Grant claim timeline
- The window for applications will be three months and will close in June
- All applications are evaluated on a points system. This is not a first come first served system
- Applications will be ranked by points awarded against specific set criteria
- Approved applications will be informed by DAFM and any application not approved will automatically roll over to the considered in the next round (only rolls over one), which opens immediately after the first round closes (four rounds per year). If you are approved you can then go ahead and build, then claim back the grant money and then must submit receipts.
- Payment will be issued within three weeks once it has been determined that work has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the scheme. A deadline will be applicable for the completion of the relevant investment works.
- Between 5-20% of applications will be inspected prior to approval
- Between 5-20% of applications will be inspected pre-payment
- 5% of applications will be inspected post-payment
- Up for 48 hours notice of an inspection will be given
How to apply
- Go to where there is a special section on TAMS III. There is a spreadsheet listing what you can apply for. The Animal Welfare Scheme, which includes the equine section is expected to open at the end of March. All schemes will be opened by end of May/June
- Authorisation forms are on and can be downloaded.
- Check your application details are correct on the top of the screen.
- TAMS III Authorised Applications online ‘Welcome Screen’ lists 10 schemes. The Animal Welfare Scheme applies to the equine sector.
- Three buttons on screen – Save Draft Application, Validate Application, Submit Application. Keep saving your changes to you application as you go along so you don’t lose any data.
- Add Investments by clicking the ‘Add Investment’ Tab which has a drop-down list.
- Where planning permission is required, make sure it is in place before applying
- If a company is involved, you mist have company registration certificate before applying.
- No large maps are allowed under TAMS III – A3 size or smaller is acceptable
- DAFM will send out query letter if needed.